Thursday, September 18, 2008


I got it.
Communications Analyst for Coventry Healthcare.
Thank you, Jesus!

Details later...thanks for praying/reading

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


It has been days since my interview and I am still waiting to hear.
Each day has felt so long, as I sit by my phone pleading with it to ring, screening every number.
I literally cannot sleep out of anticipation and when I do sleep, I dream about it. Sometimes I get the job, sometimes I don't.
This is like when we had to wait for cast lists to go up in high school. You were excited, but afraid of the potential letdown if you didn't get what you want.
It is like I can't dare to hope for the best...for fear that if I don't get this, the letdown will be unbearable. I have had several jobs tell me "you were our second choice!! You did so well, but we picked someone with more experience...but we know you will go so far."
Which of course is not actually encouraging because you still weren't picked. I don't know yet if I have been picked, but I am terrified of how I will feel if I am not.
I know God will provide. I really do know this. I just want this so very badly. And so many people sincerely prayed for this...why wouldn't it work?
I just wish I knew already.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Jodi Picoult thinks I'm calm

So my birthday was pretty great.

First of all, my interview was the best interview I have ever had. I think I just clicked, you know. The conversation was great and I feel very confident about the job. I am still praying that I am content no matter what, but I am hoping that I get it.

The best part was the amount of people praying for me. I had so many people sending me messages and comments saying "Happy Birthday, Diana- I'm praying for your interview!!" My friends are so special and great!!!!

So last night, Allen took me to see Jodi Picoult. I have never seen an author speak before, much less my favorite author, so I didnt know what to expect. Basically she addressed a crowd of 1200 people and talked about her research process for her books. I loved hearing about the specific processes for my two favorite books, Second Glance and Nineteen Minutes. We also had a Q&A time where she shared a lot more. I was especially disturbed to hear that they are changing the ending of My Sister's Keeper for the movie. I will be staging a protest in Hollywood soon. Stay tuned.

The best part was, of course, meeting her. There was a massive line for the signing and Allen and I were toward the back. The bad part was the hour+ wait, and the good part was the fact that she was more chatty with fewer people. She and I chatted a minute about how my favorite book is one she especially likes and how it is tough to get at first. Then Allen had her write happy birthday on my book and she goes "Is today your birthday?"
"Yes it is"
"Well happy birthday, Diana!"
"Thank you!! I found out a while ago you were coming on my birthday and it was the perfect thin to do!"
"Well, of course you do realize that is why I am here. For your birthday. "
"Oh well thank you!"
Haha so cute.

And then it gets better. I thought I lost my wallet (when really it had fallen out in my car,) and Jodi was just so upset about it. She kept saying "now you are going to associate my books with losing your wallet! I feel so terrible!"
When of course, it was TOTALLY her fault, right? I was very chill about it, since you know, stuff happens and she kept going "You are so calm! I would NOT be so calm!!" It was some pretty funny dialogue.

So, much like meeting Susan Egan, I was so pleased and surprised to see how genuine and down-to-earth someone I so admire is. It was a fantastic birthday present.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Doogie

So...I'm 22 now.
Weeeird. I feel kinda old. Not because 22 is like a landmark age...more like because between turning 21 and 22, I did so many monumental things. Such as:
-buying a car and getting into my first car payment
-graduating from college
-getting my first real job
-getting married
-getting laid off from my first real job

It has been an eventful year.

Speaking of the job thing, I have a HUGE interview tomorrow. It is a second interview for a job I really want, a job in my field. I feel SO close. I want this. I just need to remember that this may or may not be what God wants for me, so if I do not get it, it is in His divine plan. I am confident.

In other news, my Sr. High girls chose to study Esther this season...I am super excited.
I am having a blast house sitting and spending time with Hayaka and Kassia, two exchange students (from Japan and China respectively.)
I found a pair of glasses that I am thoroughly in love with.
And I really need to give up Gilmore Girls cold turkey. This has been going on for like...four and a half years now? I am pathetic. And 22 for goodness sake!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

SO thankful

I am positively in awe of God's goodness and provision this week. The unemployment thing was getting harder and harder, and I finally made a real effort to pray about it and put it in God's hands. I know He would have done His will regardless, but it felt nice acknowledging it. Anyway, our one-income financial situation caught up to us this week and we were nervous about getting by (at least I was; Allen seemed really confident.) So we scrimped and prayed and tried to make it work.

First off, my selfish little mind was sad and worried that we would not be able to go out or do anything for my birthday at all, even the book signing (who knew book signings charged admission?!). And then my amazing husband says "Oh I will take care of it. I have money for that." And I kind of sarcastically say "where? Are you hiding money?" And he goes "actually, yes. I have been putting money aside to spend for your birthday." I was dumbfounded. And very touched. He is so incredibly sweet and what I ever did to deserve him, I will never know.

And then on Tuesday, completely out of the blue, I got a call from a woman from church asking if Allen and I would house sit for her next week, as well as care for her two exchange students that are staying there. And they would feed us all week. And give us gas money. And pay us. And boom in our hands is a check written exactly in the amount of our car insurance.

Then, my mother-in-law's partner from work was sick, and my sister-in-law and I were asked to take her place for a day. And this particular client likes to pay very generously. So there was another nice bit of money to take care of us.

And THEN I show up at this job and Allen's mom says "I have a surprise for you" and opens her car to reveal FIVE BAGS of groceries and a whole cooler of frozen food. In addition to that was an envelope with some more money. I was in shock and almost started crying. And all she kept saying was "I know you would do the same for us; it is not much and I wish we had more, but this will help." It was SO MUCH!!! I felt so blessed!

And then my sister-in-law spent the day with me today and invited us over for dinner, and I didn't have to worry about food or anything. I have the most generous and kind family in the world and I love my sister-in-law so much. She is so selfless and loves to give to others. Especially Allen and I.

And to top that off, I had two very good interviews this week for jobs IN MY FIELD!!! Pray!!!

Oh Lord, You are so kind. Why do I ever doubt? Please keep my faith strong. And THANK YOU!!!!