Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Doogie

So...I'm 22 now.
Weeeird. I feel kinda old. Not because 22 is like a landmark age...more like because between turning 21 and 22, I did so many monumental things. Such as:
-buying a car and getting into my first car payment
-graduating from college
-getting my first real job
-getting married
-getting laid off from my first real job

It has been an eventful year.

Speaking of the job thing, I have a HUGE interview tomorrow. It is a second interview for a job I really want, a job in my field. I feel SO close. I want this. I just need to remember that this may or may not be what God wants for me, so if I do not get it, it is in His divine plan. I am confident.

In other news, my Sr. High girls chose to study Esther this season...I am super excited.
I am having a blast house sitting and spending time with Hayaka and Kassia, two exchange students (from Japan and China respectively.)
I found a pair of glasses that I am thoroughly in love with.
And I really need to give up Gilmore Girls cold turkey. This has been going on for like...four and a half years now? I am pathetic. And 22 for goodness sake!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Wait a minute, there, Doogie. No need to give up Gilmore Girls. You are not alone in your obsession, though perhaps more advanced in it, and you should not walk away from the community of fans, a.k.a. me, because I do love talking to you about the Girls. It is NOT pathetic; it's endearing. Now if your obsession was the Golden Girls, you might consider quitting.